"Don't be a Gooch!" snapped the Elegant Elephant shortly. "Our adventures have only begun."
They passed the rest of the guards without further conversation, and after about two hours came to the end of the long tiled passageway and stepped upon firm ground again.
Kabumpo was terribly out of breath, for the whole way had been up hill. For a full minute he stood sniffing the fresh night air. Then, turning around, he looked for the opening through which they had come. Not a sign of the passage anywhere!
"That's curious," puffed the Elegant Elephant. "But never mind. We don't want to go back anyway."
"I should say not," gasped the Prince wearily. "Where are we now, Kabumpo?"
"Still in the Gilliken country, I think, but headed in the right direction. All we have to do is to keep going South," said the Elegant Elephant cheerfully.
"But we've had nothing to eat since morning," objected Pompadore.
"That's so," agreed Kabumpo, scratching his head thoughtfully, "and not a house in sight!"
"But I smell something cooking," insisted the Prince, sniffing hungrily.