Kabumpo in Oz
his whole Kingdom will disappear—his Kingdom and everyone in it!"
"But how do you know Ozma is the Proper Princess?" asked Wag, chewing a blade of grass. "The scroll didn't say Ozma, did it?"
"Kabumpo thinks Ozma is the Proper Princess," explained Pompadore, nodding toward the Elegant Elephant, "and he's usually right!"
"Humph!" sniffed Wag. "Well, maybe you are a Prince. You're not really bad looking if you had some fur on your head," he remarked more amiably. "What happened? Somebody pull it out?"
"Oh, Wag!" murmured Peg Amy, in a shocked Voice.
"Burned off," sighed Pompa, and proceeded to tell of their fall into the Illumi Nation. He even told them about the Soup Sea and of their meeting with Glinda, the Good.
"Don't you care," said the big Wooden Doll, as Pompa mournfully rubbed his scorched head. "It will soon grow again and I don't see how Ozma could help loving you—you're so tall, and so polite." This kind little speech affected Pompa so deeply that he dropped on one knee and raised Peg's wooden hand to his lips.