iron gate at the other end of the city. Butting it open with his head, the Elegant Elephant dashed through and never stopped running till he was miles away from there.
"Have to rest a bit and eat some leaves," puffed Kabumpo, at last slowing down. "Whe—w!"
"Wish I could eat leaves," sighed the Prince, as Kabumpo began lunching off the tree tops. "But, never mind, we're out of Rith Metic! Wasn't it lucky that Cottabus followed us? I never would have thought of getting out of sums by somersaulting. Would you?"
"Only sensible thing it ever said, probably," answered the Elegant Elephant, with his mouth full of leaves. "There's a lot more to be learned by traveling than by studying, my boy. Somersaults for sums—let's always remember that!"
Pompa did not answer. He slid down Kabumpo's trunk and began hunting anxiously around for something to eat. Not far away he found a large nut tree and, gathering a handful of nuts, he sat down and began to crack them on a white marble slab near by. Next instant Kabumpo heard a thud and a muffled cry.
The Prince of Pumperdink had vanished, as if by magic.