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The Life of the Author.

with his retinue, purſuant to the tenour of the Treaties ſubſiſting between the two Crowns, detain’d them upon the borders of Ruſſia a conſiderable time: But theſe difficulties having been at laſt amicably adjuſted, M. Fabritius purſued his journey through Novogorod to Moſcow, where he made his publick entry on the 7th of July, and was admitted to an audience of their Czarian Majeſties on the 11th.

M. Fabritius having finiſh’d his Negotiations at the Ruſſian Court in ſomething leſs than two months, ſet out from Moſcow on his way to Perſia, falling down the Rivers Moſco, Occa and Wolga, to Caſan and Aſtracan, two conſiderable towns, and the Capitals of two powerful Kingdoms, which were conquer’d and annex’d to the Ruſſian Empire by that heroick Prince Iwan Baſilowitz. After a dangerous paſſage over the Caſpian Sea, where they were like to have been loſt, through the violence of an unexpected ſtorm, and the unskilfulneſs of their Pilots, (the ſhip having two Rudders, and conſequently two Pilots, who did not underſtand each other’s language) they got ſafe to the Coaſts of Perſia, and landed at Niſabad, where they ſtaid for ſome time, living under tents after the manner of the natives. Two other Ambaſſadors to the Perſian Court, one from the King of Poland, and another from their Czarian Majeſties, having landed at Niſabad much about the ſame time, they proceeded jointly to Siamachi, the Capital of the Province of Schirwan, in the Media of the Ancients, or, as it is now call’d, Georgia, where they arrived about the middle of December, and ſtaid till the Governor of that Town and Province had ſent notice of their arrival to the Perſian Court, and received orders from thence after what manner they were to be treated, and which way to be ſent to Court. Dr. Kæmpfer, in the mean time, did not ſit idle, but went all about the neighbourhood of Siamachi, herborizing and obſerving what was remarkable in nature and art, ſo far as otherwiſe his affairs, and a ſucceſsful and not improfitable practice of Phyſick, which the reputation of his being an European Phyſician quickly brought him into in that populous place, would permit. We ſhould be ſtill wanting that curious and accurate account, which he hath
