beginning of 1716. This laſt fit laid him up for three weeks, however he recover’d it ſo far, that he was able to attend the Count de Lippe and his Family, as their Phyſician, at Pyrmont, and return’d, in July, to his Country Seat at Steinhof near Lemgow in pretty good health. On the 5th of September folJowing he was ſuddenly ſeized with fainting fits, and a vomiting of blood, which continuing upon him all night, reduced him very low. From that time he continued in a lingring condition, though not altogether without hopes of recovery, having gather’d ſtrength ſo far, as to be able to walk about his room: But on the 24th of October, having been ever ſince this laſt attack troubled with a nauſea and loſs of appetite, his vomiting of blood return’d upon him with great violence, and a fever, which laſted till the ſecond of November, on which day he died, at five in the evening, 65 years and ſix weeks old. He was buried in the Cathedral Church of S. Nicolas at Lemgow.
Thus far my account of the Author’s Life and remarkable Travels, which I have traced chiefly from his own manuſcript memoirs, journals, letters to his friends, and the like, though I am indebted for ſome circumſtances to a ſermon, which was pronounced on his funeral by Bertholdus Haccius, a Miniſter at Lemgow, and printed at that place.