ropæo conſcripti. IV. Excerpta Literis eruditi Europæi in China. V. Schemata ad meliorem præcedentium intellegentiam. VI. De Indiciis moroborum ex Linguæ coloribus & affectionibus. Cum Figuris æneis & lingeis. Edidit Andreas Cleyer, Haſſo-Caſſelanus. H. M. Licentiatus, Soc. Ind. in Nova Batavia Archiater, Pharmacop. Director & Chirurg. Ephorus. Franco forti 1682, 4to. This curious work, though it relates properly ſpeaking to the Phyſick of the Chineſe, yet it deſerves to be referr’d to Japan, as the State of Phyſick is nearly the ſame in that Country as it is in China. The Figures alſo agree in great meaſure, with thoſe of an Anatomical Treatiſe of the Japaneſe, now in the hands of Sir Hans Sloane.
Excerpta ex obſervationibus Japonicis, Phyſicis, &c. Wilhelmi Ten Rhyne, De Frutice Thee. This curious account of the Tea was printed by Jacobus Breynius his in Centuria prima Exoticarum aliarumque minus cognitarum Plantarum. Gedani 1678. fol. The ſame Author hath alſo given us (p. 2 of his Centuria) an Account of the Camphire Tree growing in Japan, chiefly from the obſervations of the ſaid Ten Rhyne, who ſent him a Branch of it. (Ten Rhyne in the Title to the Excerpta abovementioned, is wrongly called Phyſician, Botaniſt and Chymiſt to the Emperor of Japan, where he was only, like Dr. Kæmpfer, Phyſician to the Dutch Factory and Embaſſy.
Wilhelmi ten Rhyne, M. D. Diſſertatio de Arthritide: Mantiſſa ſchematica de acupunctura, & Orationes tres I. De Chymiæ ac Botaniæ antiquitate & dignitate. II. De Phyſiognomia. III. De Monſtris ſingula ipſius autoris notis illuſtrata. Londini, 1683. This diſſertation of the Gout was written chiefly with regard to the cure of this diſtemper by the Moxa, which had been very much recommended by Hermannus Buſhovius, a Miniſter of the Goſpel at Batavia. To the Mantiſſa Schematica have been added three Schemes, ſhewing what parts of the human body are to be burnt with the Moxa, according to the Chineſe and Japaneſe, and likewiſe a figure of the needle, which the Japaneſe make uſe of in the Acupunctura.
Writers relating to the Language of the Japaneſe.As to the Language of the Japaneſe, the knowledge whereof one ſhould have thought a thing of the utmoſt conſequence, not only to thoſe, who uſed the trade to Japan, but chiefly to the Jeſuits and other religiousPerſons,