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Tai Fee ki. An account of the war between the families of Feki and Gendſi, which laſted forty years, and ended with the extirpation of the Feki family. It is a large work, divided into fourſcore parts, which are commonly bound up in forty Volumes.

Feeki mono Gattari: A Diſcourſe of the affairs of the Feeki’s, which turns upon the ſame ſubject with the laſt.

* Oſacca mono Gattari: A Diſcourſe of the affairs of Oſacca. This is an ample account of the inteſtine wars, which aroſe in Japan, upon the demiſe of Taicoſama, between the Counſellors of ſtate appointed by that Monarch, and Ongoſchioſama, whom he had made Tutor to Fide Jori, his only Son and Heir, of the celebrated ſiege of the Caſtle of Oſacca by Ongoſchioſama, the taking of that Caſtle, the untimely end of Fide Jori, and the manner of Ongoſchioſama’s ſeizing the Crown of Japan upon Fide Jori’s death. This Ongoſchioſama is the ſame Emperor, who granted the liberty of trading to Japan both to the Engliſh and Dutch.

* Simabaraki, or Simabaragaſen, an account of the war at Simabara. The rebellion of the Chriſtians of Arima, who retired to the number of 37000, into a Caſtle upon the Gulph of Simabara, the ſiege and ſurrender of this Caſtle, and the unparallel’d butchery of the beſieged, whereby the Chriſtian Religion was totally aboliſh’d in Japan, are the ſubject of this diſcourſe. Amongſt many other writings of Dr. Kæmpfer, now in poſſeſſion of Sir Hans Sloane, is a tranſlation of theſe two works.

The Hiſtory of Abino Sime, Son of the Emperor Abino-Jaſſima.

Sin dai ki. A Hiſtory of all the Gods of the Japaneſe, as they were of old worſhipped in the Country.

Tenſinki. A particular Hiſtory of the life and heroic actions of Tenſin, who is the chief of the Sintos Gods of the Japaneſe.

Nippon Idſumi no kuni Oojaſijro, that is, the wars of the Gods in Oojaſijro in the Province Idſumi.

* Dai fanja Firamitz. A Treatiſe of all the Gods worſhipped by the Budſdoiſts.

Sikki moku. The Laws and Conſtitutions of the Japaneſe Empire.

Kiuſaj. A Treatiſe of the civil Cuſtoms and Ceremonies of the Japaneſe.
