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* Oſasjo. A Treatiſe of the Elements, Worlds, Heavens, Stars, Comets, Meteors, &c.

* Kinmodſui. A Japaneſe Herbal, where in are the figures of near five hundred Plants and Trees growing in Japan, with their names and uſes. This Work is divided into eight Books, and the Plants are done after the ſame manner, as I have represented the Tea in a corner of Tab. XXXVIII.

A Book of the Quadrupeds of Japan, with the figures of upwards of ſixty, done after the ſame manner, and of the ſame ſize, with the Chimerical ones in Tab. IX. of this Hiſtory, which I have copied out of this Book.

* A Book of Birds, containing near fourſcore Birds, done after the ſame manner.

* Two Books, containing near an hundred figures of Fiſhes, Crabs, Shells, Snakes, Lizards, Frogs, Inſects, and the like, all done after the ſame manner. I have engraved ſome of the moſt remarkable in Tab. X. ad XIV. of this Hiſtory.

* An Anatomical Treatiſe, containing the figures of ſeveral external and internal parts of the human body, not very different from thoſe of the Chineſe, engraved in Dr. Cleyer’s Medicina Sinenſis.

* A Book of Minerals, Stones, Corals, and other curioſities.

* Two Books of their Habits, Head-dreſſes, Gowns, &c.

* Several Books, containing the figures of upwards of 400 Inſtruments, Arms, Houſhold-goods, of the Japaneſe, ſeveral of which I have engraved in Tab. XXI, XXII, XXXI, XXXII, to facilitate the underſtanding of ſome paſſages in this Hiſtory.

* Kennei Tſioofo ki Mokurokf. Inſtructions for Families, relating to what is to be known or done in a family.

* Two Books relating to the way of Building of the Japaneſe, wherein are repreſented ſeveral of their Caſtles, Temples, Houſes, Gardens, Roads, Wells, Hedges, and the like.

* A Book relating to Agriculture, containing the figures of all the Inſtruments uſed in Japan for Ploughing, Tilling, &c.

* Dodſutski. Several Road-books for the uſe of Travellers, giving an account of the diſtances of places, the prices of Victuals, and Carriage, and the like, with many figures of the Buildings, and other remarkable things to be ſeen on the Road.

* Three