SOME years ago it occurred to me that authentic lists of the Lords-Lieutenants, Custodes Rotulorum, Sheriffs, and Members for Merionethshire, might be compiled by me during my frequent visits to London. It was not till I commenced the task that I formed any adequate notion of its difficulty. At that time I had not seen the Lists of Sheriffs and Members published by Mr. Wynne, in the "Archæologia Cambrensis." Neither had I seen those for Anglesey in Rowland's "Mona Antiqua," nor the List of Sheriffs for Caernarvonshire in the "Cambrian Register." I set about my self-imposed labour by going to the Public Record Office and commencing, at first for Merionethshire only, lists extracted wholly from independent and original sources. I considered it right to start from the beginning, and therefore began my Sheriffs' Lists from the date of the first appointment to that Office in Wales, 12 Edwd. I. In the course of my searches I found the names of so many officers connected with the two other old Counties of North Wales, that I allowed my original intention to expand to a compilation which should embrace the three old Counties of Gwynedd or North Wales. But vast as are the sources for such a search in the Record Office and British Museum, I found they would not afford. complete information, and that serious gaps would break the long line of names, extending over nearly six red years, which I to make as consecutively perfect as possible.
Private and local sources had therefore to be explored, and it was then I was led to consult Mr. Wynne, of Peniarth, whose reputation as an accomplished Antiquary, and as the possessor of the finest MS. collection in Wales, pointed him out as the best authority. Mr. Wynne not only at once approved of the undertaking, but offered to render every assistance in his power. He subsequently went carefully through the