The tower clock on Kreuz Church struck twelve, it was quite time to part.
The outer door had, of course, been closed long before. Minna had to go down with me and open it. In the cool cellar-like corridor we gave one another a long embrace. I was not to detain her when she opened the door, but quickly slip out so that no passer-by or late neighbour should see her. But the draught blew the folds of her skirt out as she was about to bang the door, and while I helped to free her, I couldn't resist the temptation to steal one more kiss, in spite of the fact that I had seen a man on the opposite pavement.
The light from the little lamp, which she had put down in the corridor, shone round her dark figure with a flickering glare which suddenly went out.
"Good-bye, good-bye!" she whispered quickly, and the door closed.