"No, do not take it in that way, Harald. My God, I have hurt you! I did not mean it like that. It just came to me, but all words express so badly what we mean.… Perhaps it is not at all like that, I do not know, I understand nothing any longer. I only feel that both of you belong to my life. I am torn in two directions. Oh, my God, what will become of me!"
"You will become a sound and true woman, my own dear girl, by your own strength, when you have overcome these fights and struggles.… God knows how willingly I would assist you, but you see I cannot. Nobody can do it, not even Mrs. Hertz, with all her love for you. It is a temptation to me to advise you to confide in her—there is at least a great probability that her counsel would be in my favour, but that does not matter. I do not think that you ought to ask anybody but yourself. Your own nature will perhaps suddenly, instinctively, choose what is best for it.… More important than all, neither Stephensen nor I must from now add to your agitation, and especially not, as to-day, by our alternate presence make the task of deciding more difficult for you. You cannot stand that, and very likely it would end by your taking a rash decision, as was the case just a moment ago. Both of us have now seen you alone and have pleaded our cause. From this time …"
"Pleaded your cause!" Minna exclaimed, and looked at me with a candid smile; "but, dearest Harald, you have not done that at all."
"Have I not?" I asked timidly. "Do you think I have taken it too calmly?"
"No, no, my dearest, I understand you so well, you are so tender and loving, so careful for me, you want to save me from the reproaches that you might charge