Page:Karl Kautsky - Frederick Engels - 1899.djvu/34

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dying organizer of the conquering army of socialism. As his eyes closed forever on the 5th of August and his consciousness went out he took with him the conviction that the German, that the International Labor Party would fulfill the hopes he expressed of and to them in the Conference Hall at Berlin on September 22d, 1893: "Comrades, I am convinced that you will ever continue to do your duty."

The fulfillment of this duty is the most beautiful monument that the proletariat can raise to this faithful leader—the Eckehard of united labor.

Then will the prophecy be fulfilled expressed by Engels but a few days ago, in his last published writings. ("The Awakening," published in the Palermo Socialist weekly paper, "La Riscossa"):

"Above all let the oppressed close up their ranks and reach out their hands to each other across the boundary lines of every nation. Let the International proletariat develop and organize until the beginning of the new century shall lead it on to victory."