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A bas les singes, 478. Abattis, 540. Abd-el-Kader, 149. Abdi-Pasha, 155. Abdul Aziz, 73. Abdul Medjed, 50. Aberdeen, 12. Aberdeen, now, 42. Clarendon, Brun- Aberdeen, Conspiracy against, 388. Aberdeen's Dispatch, 388. Aberdeen Ministry, Connivance with Russia of, 42. Abo, 471. Acarnania, 275. Accidents, 442. Acquisitions of Russia, 85. Adelaide, Madame, 66. Adramyti, 389. Adrianople, Treaty of, 28. Ætolia, 275. Affairs, Continental lish, 118. Affairs in Russia, 518. Afghanistan, 158. Afghan War, 15. Aga Mehmed, 34. Agram, 8. Agram Gazette, 160. Ahmet Pasha, 125. Aidin, 468. Akhalzikh, 155. Aladyn, 478. Alard, Colonel, 244. and Eng- Alarums and Excursions, 587. Albania, 10. Albert, Prince, 181, 228. Aleppo, 120. Alexander II., 2. Alexander, Grand Duke, 184. Alexander, Prince, 77. Alexandropol, 591. Algiers, 69. Alliance between Prussia and Austria, 346. Allonville, General, 587. Alma, 492. Aluta, River, 225. Ambassadors withdrawing, 240. Ameer, 277. America and England, 234. American Diplomacy, 473. American Intervention, 74. American War of Independence, 607.

Amsterdam, 602. Anapa, 42. Anarchy at the Admiralty, 578. Anatolian Army, 199. Andronikoff, General, 199. Andros, 344. Anglican Bishop, 322. Anglo-French Operations, 360. Another Vienna Disclosure, 554. Another War Debate, 431. Anstey, Mr., 209. Antagonism between England and Russia, 16. Antemarre, General, 581. Anti-Corn Law League, 236. Anti-Russian Meetings, 193. Antivari, 18. Arabat, 589. Arab Tabiassi, 414. Aral Sea, 158. Araxes, River, 153. Arbitration, 151. Archduchess Sophia, 514. Archduke Charles, 281. Ardahan, 222. Areopagus, 135. Argyll, Duke of, 59. Arjish, River, 164. Armaments, Russian, 83. Armenia, 4. Armenia, Prince of, 41. Armenian proclamation, 40. Armistice, 150. Armistice, Proposed, 176. Arnauts, 4, 6. Arnim, Count, 425. Arras, 244. Arta, 18. Aspern, 523. Assignats, 239. Asterabad, 34. Attack on Sebastopol, 474. Augsburger Zeitung, 36. Aumale, d', 527. Aurep, General, 224. Austerlitz, 498. Austria, 51. Austria and England, 567. Austria and Russia, 54, 305, 340. Austria and Servia, 343. Austria wavering, 543. Austria's weakness, 545. Austrian intervention, 387. Austrian loan, 410, 429. Austrian officer, 567. Austrian Slavonians, 546. Austro-Turkish quarrel, 248. Austro-Turkish treaty, 437. Autumn Session, 434.

Aya-Sofiyah, 22. Azof, Sea of, 273. Azzir Pasha, 423.


Baba Dagh, 126. Baden, 254. Bagdad, 15. Baidar Valley, 494. Baillie, Mr., 240. Bailen, 538. Bairam, 143. Bait of Poland, 357. Baktchiserai, 499. Balaklava, 584. Balkans, 21. Balta Liman, Treaty of, 44. Baltchik, 451. Baltic and Black Seas, 360. Banat, 226. Bandieras, 177, 572. Barrot, Odillon, 247. Bas Empire, 81. Bashi-Bazouks, 468. Battle of Giurgevo, 427. Battle of Oltenitza, 448. Batum, 33. Bavaria, 520. Bayazid, 198. Bazardjik, 526. Beatson, General, 620. Beaumont, Lord, 73. Beaumont-Vassy, Viscount, 88. Bedeau, Colonel, 377. Bedouins, 156. Beicos, 243. Beirut, 80. Belgium, 2. Belgrade, 120. Beloochee, 506. Bem, 94. Bender, 500, Benkendorf, 598. Béranger, 3. Bergh, M., 242. Berkeley, Admiral, 441. Berri, Duchess of, 376. Bertin, M., 38. Beschutz, 605. Besika Bay, 61. Bessarabia, 6. Bethmann-Hollweg, 358. Bey of Tunis, 143. Bibesco, M., 411. Biddulph, Captain, 496. Bille-Brahe, Count, 425. Birmingham, 113.

Birmingham Conference, 562.