Page:Karl Marx - Wage Labor and Capital - tr. J. L. Joynes (1900).pdf/2

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The best Socialist Literature.

1. History of the Commune of 1871. Translated from the French of Lissagaray, by Eleanor Marx Aveling. 8vo., 515 pp.; clear and large type. Cloth, $1.00.

2. History of the Commune of 1871. Library Edition, $3.00.

3. The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. By Karl Marx. Translated from the German by Daniel De Leon. An elegant volume of 78 pages, with Marx’ picture as frontispiece. Price, 25 cents.

4. The Right to be Lazy. Being a refutation of the “Right to Work” of 1848. By Paul Lafargue. Translated and adapted from the French by Dr. Harriet E. Lothrop. Price, 10 cents.

5. What is Capital? By Ferdiand Lassalle. Freely translated from Chapter IV , by F. Keddell, author of “The Nationalization of our Railway System.” Price 5 cents.

6. The Silver Cross, or the Carpenter of Nazareth. A translation from the French of Eugene Sue. Price: Paper, 25 cents; Cloth, 50 cents.

7. The Workingman’s Programme. By Ferdinand Lassalle. Translated from the German by Edward Peters. Price, 10 cents,

8. Socialism and Slavery. Being an answer to Mr. Herbert Spencer's attack on the Social Democratic Federation in the Contemporary Review, April, 1884, under the title, “The Coming Slavery,” By H.M. Hyndman. Price, 5 cents.

9. Socialism: A reply to the Pope’s Encyclical. By Robert Blatchford; price, 5 cents.

10. The Object of the Labor Movement. By Johann Jacoby. Translated by Florence Kelley. Price 5 ct.

11. What Socialism Means. By Sidney Webb, LL. B. Price 5 cents.

Continued on 3rd page Cover.