Page:Karl Marx His Life and Work.djvu/434

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INDEX 359 Sakhedrik, Great, 32. Savigkt, Fbiedrich Karl vok, 35, 60. ScHAPPER, Karl, 94, 104, 173. SCHLUETER, HeRMAX, 15. Schramm:, Coxrad, 184. duel with WiUich, 178. ScHUHZ, Carl, 140, 149, 148, 153, 168. characterization of Marx, 149. SCHWEIGERT, CaPT., 218. Seliomait, E. K. a., 344. Slum proletariat, 131. Smith, Adam, 344. Social Democrat, 337. Social Democratic WoRKiifOMEif'* Party, 253. Socialism, Earlier MEAiriiro op Word, 97. SoRGE, F. A., 300, 317. Stein, Lorenz von, 67. Stern, Meta L., IS, 44. Stirner, Max, 65, 75. Strauss, David, 35, 55. Suspension, Decree of, 31. T tcheentchefskt, 343, 345. Texas, Earthly Paradise of Cabet, 98. Tolain, M., 262. Trades Unions, 248, 257. U Universal German Workinomen's Association, 237, 250. UEttUHART, David, 198. Vahlteich, Karl Juuus, 236. Veblen, Thorstein B., estimate of Marxian Socialism, 11. Vienna Revolt, 139. VooT, Karl, 204. VOEWARTS, 77, 83. W Wage-labour, 134. Walton, Alfred A., 280. Weeks, Rufus W., 15. Weerth, George, 145. Weitling, WiLHELM, 89, 93, 96, 110. Westphalen, Edgar von, 32, 39, 60, 62, 309. Westphalen, Jenny von, 30, 48, 49, 60, 62. courtship, 33, 36. marriage, 68. Westphalen, Baron Ludwig von, 29, 39. Weydemeyer, Joseph, in America, 189. letter from Marx, 190. letters from Mrs. Marx, 180, 184. Weydemeyer, Mrs., letter from Mrs. Marx to, 211. Whitman, Walt, 275. Willich, August von, 140, 173, 176, 189. challenges Marx, 177. Wolff, Major, 362, 263. Wolff, Wilhelm, 95, 145. YoRKE, Oswald, 191. YouNO Germany, 94. YouNO Hegelians, 51, 72, 75.