this incredible exertion of climbing to such a hopelessly inaccessible spot, through guava, klu and lantana thickets and over steep and rough lava-strewn mountain sides? If they could possibly have come to spy upon his neighbor, how could they hope to observe anything at that distance;—unless—and closer he screwed the glass, and then he sprang to his feet with an imprecation, overturning his chair and making a dash for the door and out through the hedge, shouting sharply for Fong.
The police dog set up a wild clamor and the Chinaman appeared at the kitchen door like a jack-in-the-box. "Quick!" shouted Dick, "Make down front curtain, quick! Both curtain, quick!"
"Wassmatter?" inquired the scowling Chinaman.
"Don't wait!" shouted Dick; "Go and do it or I'll do it myself. Wiki-wiki!"
The Chinaman slid away and Dick stood still at the opening of the hedge while he heard the banging of the poles as first one and then the other of the heavy curtains dropped. Then the Chinaman appeared at the door again and repeated aggressively "Wassmatter?"
At the same moment the Hawaiian girl came to the other entrance. Her eyes were big and startled. "What is the trouble?" she asked, breathlessly.
Dick approached a little nearer, up the walk. "There are people on the ridge opposite," he said.
"Well," she said, coolly; "Occasionally trampers