least. I shall love to hear him." But at the same time he was conscious of a qualm of thankfulness that the rumbling kiddie-car was in the bottom of the Manoa Valley. But even that ungenerous thought he instantly put aside. "And by the way," he said; "he must be missing his kiddie-car; if you would like me to, I'll bring one up from town."
"Oh, no, no!" she exclaimed; "Oh, he shall never have another one, never! That was too terrible. It seems just impossible that it could have happened, careful as we are; but you see, Grandma was out in the garden with Fong and I had just put David to sleep and he always sleeps for an hour at least, and so I thought nothing of going out for a little walk. But there's a gate at the foot of the stairs and Fong had left it unlatched when he came down after taking some ferns up to my sitting-room; and David waked up and took his kiddie-car and went to find me. I don't see how he ever got the thing up to the roof; but the stairs are shallow and he is such a strong little fellow. But, oh, when I saw him up there—!" And she hid her face for a moment in the green tassels.
"Well," said Dick, "he's all right now, thank Heaven; and we don't have to worry about what didn't happen. I'm going to have Moto fix these boards right away; and then we can both leave our curtains up, for the ironwoods make an effective screen; and if anybody comes, mine will go down