and I could see that he was trying to drink himself into proper shape to carry out their plans. The man is a coward at heart and he was desperately scared at what was before him and was trying to drink in sufficient courage to carry him through. Of course I didn't know where we were headed for; but I had a lot of time to think while we were driving over the road, and I concluded that he was aiming to find some isolated spot where my body would not be discovered before he had a chance to do away with David and then get off on the Malolo, which sails Friday. She makes the trip in four days, and if he could get to the Coast before he was suspected and held up by cable, he would be pretty sure to make his escape safely. And I suppose that is why he went to that lonesome week-end house. That made the chances good that I would not be found before Sunday, and even possibly not until a week later. But if they found me the Sunday after the Malolo sailed, it would still be two or three days before the police machinery got to work sufficiently to bring him under suspicion, if they ever did come to suspect him at all, and by that time he would probably be beyond catching. At least that is the way I had it worked out."
"Very likely you're right," said Dick, grimly. "Well, there's going to be a day of reckoning, and I'll be there when it comes, you can wager on that. Go on, what next, when you got to the house? He