from which there seemed no way out. The only chance was that Evalani would not care for him, and so a few days later I drove up the mountain to see her. She said that David had been to call upon her but that she had refused to receive him. We talked it all out. She knew how much I loved him, and she herself was at that time interested in Jim McKnight, who had a surveyors' camp in the forest near them, and she assured me that she was not at all interested in David and that she certainly should not encourage him at all. And she kept her word so loyally that he never even had a chance to become half acquainted with her, for she avoided him at every point and was scarcely civil to him when he managed to make an opportunity for a few words with her.
"But it didn't make any difference. Love is a queer thing; it seems more an obsession than anything which we, ourselves, can direct or control. Just as I wanted David, so David wanted Evalani, and no coldness upon her part could dampen or discourage his determination to win her.
"And meanwhile Evalani had become infatuated with the idea of going into the films. A company had been here on location and she had taken some small parts and caught the fever. She was a lovely girl and a wonderful dancer and the director saw her possibilities and offered her a chance to go back with them to the Coast. They would pay her ex-