"But what about Evalani?" asked Jean, anxiously.
"Just as easy as can be," promulgated Dick. "Bert will be the circulating medium and she will confidentially give forth the fact here and there that Evalani has gone to the mainland with her poor little boy, (Nobody but the Morton girls know but that he is everything that he isn't), to put him in some school for such kiddies. And thus exit the poor little boy who never existed and enter David Harris, your son and my adopted son. And then, when Evalani comes back, supposedly relieved of the care and worry of the unfortunate child, she can gradually take her place again among her old friends; and will probably eventually marry and live happily ever after, which is exactly what we are going to do. Now then, young lady, pick some flaws in that scheme, if you can find any to pick."
Jean was smiling by now and her face had come alight with the hope of actual relief from her bondage of unhappiness. "It does look possible at every point, doesn't it?" she exclaimed. "It looks perfectly splendid. Oh, do you suppose that it really, really will work out?"
"It positively is going to work out," said Dick. "Just you watch it. Now you run along and write that letter to Evalani and get it out of your system, and I'll take it down first thing in the morning and at the same time I'll go and see Bert and put her