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Auld Watty o’ Kebbuckston brae,
Wi’ lear an’ readin’ o’ beuks auld-farren,
What think ye! the body cam’ ower the day
An’ tauld us he’s gaun to be married to Mirren;
We a’ gat a biddin’
Te gang to the waddin'
Baith Johnie an’ Sawney, an’ Nelly an’ Nany,
An’ Tam o’ the knowes,
He swears au’ he vows,
At the dancin’ he’ll face to the bride wi’ his grannie.

A’ the lads hae trysted their jocs,
Slee Willie cam up and ca’d on Nelly,
Altho’ she was hecht to Geordie Bowse,
She’s gien him the gusk an’ she’s gaun wi’ Willie—
Wee collier Johnnie
Has yocket his ponney,