ory along with Brickley's drop-kick scores, "I did read that. Janvier—if that was his name—jumped up in the witness stand at that and stopped the lawyer; he said he didn't mind going back to jail but he'd be damned if he'd see his own work classed with government plates. When he engraved a portrait of a president, he made him look as if he had once lived instead of
" my memory gave way just then so Wally finished for me:"Instead of like a death mask with the eyes pried open. That was Janvier; so they sent him back to the Federal prison where they kept him till two years ago, when he went blind; they operated on him but couldn't help him; and, considering him harmless, released him. But he must have got back his sight; anybody can see that. Why? For nine years what have we had in the way of counterfeiting? Clumsy, photo-engravers' jobs. Some ordinary, dull dub takes a camera and photographs a government bill, makes a half-tone and smears it with green ink and runs off a batch of bills so coarse and blurred, compared to engraving from a cut-steel plate, that a child can spot it. That's the modern way; easy enough, but they're lucky to get a thousand dollars into circulation be-