corner, shooting my air rifle in the room, disobeying mother. She never would have it mended."
"What was opposite?"
"The charge up San Juan hill. Anything else?"
"No; that's enough. You're—Jerry. How do you know about that other meeting?"
"I don't; that's why I'm asking you. But I've been waiting for it and I got the hunch he'd reached you to-day."
"He goes by the name of Vine just now; Harry Vine. There was somebody with him?"
"A girl," I admitted.
"Light haired?"
"As light," I said slowly and deliberately, "as Dorothy Crewe's."
He had to draw breath deep after that. "Steve, how is Dot?"
"Don't you see the papers?"
"Of course."
"Well, they've told the truth about her condition."
Again he drew deep breath; then he struck his hands together. "I'll cure her, Steve, by the only way. I'll show her Keeban! But