whatever on me! For a certain term, I can walk the night; then, 'fare thee well!' One minute; suppose you meet my friend before I do, don't forget; don't bother him with the battles of the War of 1812 or San Juan Hill or test him on Hamlet. Just try to interest him, till I arrive."
He stepped from me. "Don't follow," he asked, and I let him go; and once more, when he was gone, I wondered what I knew. Two of them there were, he said; but I had not yet seen two.
Why could not both be Jerry—clever, quick-seeing Jerry? Suppose he had known, after he'd met me in the room beside the river, that I was bound to doubt and waver; and so he'd come with this scheme, this clever scheme, to lead me on and make me give my word. Anyway, here I was with my word given and my hand on it.