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the confidence of finding in Thy mercy a secure haven; in Thy compassion, protection; in Thy clemency, a refuge; and in Thy goodness, a remedy. Wherefore, O Lord, under the dread of Thy justice, I seek no other remedy, save that of Thy mercy, nor fly to any other shelter, but that of Thy clemency. In Thee I place my trust, O my God: for though by sin I have lost the nature and privilege of a son, yet Thou, O Lord, infinitely good, dost not lose the nature and condition Thou hast of a Father. Let then, O Lord, Thy infinite grace complete that work in me which Thy infinite mercy has begun. Let Thy clemency come to the succor of Thy miserable creature: take pity and compassion on my poor soul. I am firmly resolved, with the aid of Thy grace, to amend my life, confess my sins, and persevere in Thy