Page:Key to the Book of Psalms.pdf/3

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THE right of the book of Pſalms to a place in the ſacred canon hath never been diſputed; and it is often cited by our Lord and his apoſtles, in the New Teſtament, as the work of the Holy Spirit. Whether David, therefore, or any other prophet, was employed, as the inſtrument of communicating to the church ſuch or ſuch a particular Pſalm, is a queſtion, which, if it cannot always be ſatisfactorily anſwered, need not diſquiet our minds. When we diſcern, in an epiſtle, the well known hand of a friend, we are not ſolicitous about the pen with which it was written.

The Pſalms treat occaſionally of the creation and formation of the world; the diſpenſations of providence; the diſcoveries of God’s free and unmerited favour to his people; the tranſactions of the patriarchs; the departure of the children of Iſrael out of Egypt; their
