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ſacrifices, and prieſts; on the other, ſins expiated by the offering of the body of Jeſus, once for all: On one ſide, temporal ſaviours and kings; on the other, the Saviour, who delivers from eternal deſtruction, and brings to the enjoyment of eternal happineſs; the everlaſting King: On one ſide, the law, and every branch of it, adapted to a favourite nation; on the other, the goſpel, ſuited to ſinners of every nation, tribe, and tongue. It is evident then, that whatever God ſaith to David, under the quality of king of his choſen nation, he doth, at the ſame time, ſpeak to Jeſus Chriſt, as king, of all the choſen in him, who are brought to the knowledge of the truth. To each of them he indeed ſpeaks in a ſenſe adapted to the nature of their reſpective kingdoms. The application to Meſſiah, of what God ſaith unto David, as king of his people Iſrael, is not a bare accommodation of words; but, when properly made, gives the higheſt and moſt noble meaning of them. The literal or hiſtorical meaning of the Pſalms, ſo far as it can be attained, is worthy of our attention: but it hath no glory, in compariſon of the glory that excelleth.

It may not be amiſs to run through the book of Pſalms, and point out ſome of the more remarkable paſſages, which are cited from thence by our Lord and his apoſtles, and applied to matters evangelical.
