by Grace Grafton. Author of 'Old Age and Beauty', 'The New Year,' etc.
'The weather is so warm, and I have eaten such a dinner, that I am confident I shall fall asleep, if I go to afternoon church. What shall I do, mother?'
'Go to church, Louisa, as your father desires. Listen to the service, with proper devotional feeling; and give Mr. Snorer's sermon your undivided attention, and you will be in no danger of falling asleep.'
'Mother, I have tried that, and for the life of me, I can neither keep my feelings nor my attention alive enough to keep my senses awake. I have to pinch myself, and run pins into my knee, yet all will not do; some invisible power presses down my eye-lids; and before I am aware, there I sit, my stupid head nodding, with its eyes shut, in full view of the congregation.'
'You have said all this before, Louisa; but you cannot stay at home, without displeasing your father; so let me advise you to make a virtue of necessity, and do your best to overcome this unlady-like habit of sleeping in church.'
Louisa's mother might have added more; but her father's voice was now heard, summoning her to attend him; and as in silence she pursued her way by his side, along the dusty path, beneath a scorching sun, her heart rebelled, and she longed to be in her own pleasant garden, or seated beneath the cool piazza. However, to church