Page:King v. Whitmer (20-13134) (2020) Opinion and Order.pdf/5

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Amendment Due Process Clause. (ECF No. 6.) Plaintiffs also assert one count alleging violations of the Michigan Election Code. (Id.)

By December 1, motions to intervene had been filed by the City of Detroit (ECF No. 15), Robert Davis (ECF No. 12), and the Democratic National Committee and Michigan Democratic Party (“DNC/MDP”) (ECF No. 14). On that date, the Court entered a briefing schedule with respect to the motions. Plaintiffs had not yet served Defendants with their pleading or emergency motions as of December 1. Thus, on December 1, the Court also entered a text-only order to hasten Plaintiffs’ actions to bring Defendants into the case and enable the Court to address Plaintiffs’ pending motions. Later the same day, after Plaintiffs filed certificates of service reflecting service of the summons and Amended Complaint on Defendants (ECF Nos. 21), the Court entered a briefing schedule with respect to Plaintiffs’ emergency motions, requiring response briefs by 8:00 p.m. on December 2, and reply briefs by 8:00 p.m. on December 3 (ECF No. 24).

On December 2, the Court granted the motions to intervene. (ECF No. 28.) Response and reply briefs with respect to Plaintiffs’ emergency motions were thereafter filed. (ECF Nos. 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 49, 50.) Amicus curiae Michigan State Conference NAACP subsequently moved and was granted leave to file a brief in support of Defendants’ position. (ECF Nos. 48, 55.) Supplemental briefs also were filed by the parties. (ECF Nos. 57, 58.)