the United States to have strong allies in Europe and Japan. With these allies by your side you will have more assurances in dealing with the polar bear.
Secretary Kissinger: We agree with you.
Vice Premier Teng: So it is always our hope that relations between the United States and Europe and Japan will be in a position of partnership based on equality. It is only on the basis of equality that you can establish real partnership.
Secretary Kissinger: I agree with you. I always say that the People's Republic is our best partner in NATO. [Laughter] If you want to arrange seminars here for visiting European Ministers, I can mention a few who would benefit by it. [Laughter] You had a very good effect on the Danish Prime Minister, although his nerves may not be up to your considerations.
Vice Premier Teng: We had very good talks.
Secretary Kissinger: Very good, very good.
Vice Premier Teng: Actually, the Prime Minister of Denmark really fears war very much.
Secretary Kissinger: Anyone who plans to attack Denmark doesn't have to prepare for a 20-year war or build so many underground tunnels. [Laughter] But seriously, we know your talks with the European Ministers are very helpful and we appreciate them.
Vice Premier Teng: But we also fire some cannons. With respect to our attitude toward Europe, we also say that if Europe wishes to establish relations with the United States on the basis of real equality, they should unite and strengthen themselves. This is in your interest too.
Secretary Kissinger: We agree. The only thing we object to -- and you should also -- is if they try to unite on the basis of hostility toward the United States, because this defeats the strategy we are discussing.
Vice Premier Teng: It is not possible that Western Europe will separate itself from the United States.