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Page:Kissinger's Trip (4) - November 25-29, 1974(Gerald Ford Library)(1553937).pdf/23

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in either case it will affect us, but this is not a difference between us. The practical consequences for us -- we have to do the same things in either case.
With respect to the United States being in the foregront. That is imposed on us by the particular necessity of the various analyses you have made. The Vice Premier has correctly pointed out that neither Europe or Japan is in the forefront of the energy problem, even though they are the primary victims. They are also not in the forefront of the defense problem, even though they are the primary victims according to your own analysis. For a variety of reasons, it would be interesting to discuss sometime neither of these societies are in a position to take a leading role for their own survival without strong American support. This is a historical reality. And if they were to separate from the United states, they would very soon become impotent and what one could call syntensized (?) or Finlandized (?). And therefore, they are not capable of being a second world under the present circumstances by themselves. It would be much more convenient for us if they could be. And in any event, we believe in what the Vice Premier said earlier -- on equal partnership. And therefore on the energy problem -- I wanted to report our view that neither Europe or Japan can