Ch'iao Kuan-hua: There is no question the names have been published in the Chinese press numerous times.
Kissinger: I am sure Rumsfeld's wife has read it in the People's Daily.
Those are my two suggestions.
Ch'iao Kuan-hua: Now on the first point, our idea is that since during this visit of yours, both of us have made two speeches respectively, so I think we have said quite a lot. So we don't think it necessary to keep on repeating the same words. Of course, you told me about your thinking this morning. Nevertheless, we would still be willing to see the sentence you would be willing to produce. That is one thing. And the second point which I think all the friends here on your side know is that the actual sequence of events was our side first invited your Secretary of Defense, Mr. Schlesinger, and your side suggested President Ford.
Kissinger: Were you very surprised?
Ch'iao Kuan-hua: Were you surprised?
Kissinger: I was surprised by the invitation to Schlesinger, but I understood its significance. [Laughter]
Ch'iao Kuan-hua: And on our side, of course, we believe that your proposal of President Ford's visit is very important, too, but to be frank, perhaps we weren't so surprised as you to the previous invitation to the Secretary of Defense.
Kissinger: Since you made it, you should not be surprised.
Ch'iao Kuan-hua: My surprise did not equal your surprise. [Laughter] But I must remind you that the invitation stands -- it is a standing one.
Kissinger: I know. That is understood.
Ch'iao Kuan-hua: Actually, the 1973 statement was a redirection of the Shanghai Communique about the authoritative levels.
Kissinger: [To Mr. Lord] Have we got the Shanghai Communique here? [Mr. Lord produces a copy.]