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- Teng:
- We don't presently have any further news. If we do we will pass it.
- Kissinger:
- Well, we can say that you have, no further news and if you have you will pass it.
- Teng:
- Alright.
- Kissinger:
- Secondly, our Liaison Office will submit any question we have and we would be grateful for a report on these specific questions about individuals that come to our attention that may have been missing.
- Teng:
- I don't think they have received anything yet.
- Kissinger:
- No, but we have been given some additional queries and we will raise it in the next day or so.
- Teng:
- Alright.
- Kissinger:
- And finally, we would be very grateful if the remains of any of those who crashed over China or died in China could be returned to the United States, if they can still be found.
- Teng:
- If they can not be found then it will be very difficult.
- Kissinger:
- We have made many unreasonable demands, but we have never asked for the return of unfound remains.
- Finally, in connection with the Missing In Action, -- this is not your direct responsibility or under your responsibility at all, but we have found great difficulty in getting any answers from North Vietnam, as is called for by the Paris Agreement and any influence or advice you could give to Hanoi we would greatly appreciate.