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goes, we'll go—one or both of us. That's about as fair as I can afford to be. What do you think?"

"I don't see much hell in that, to tell you the truth."

"No, because you seem to have forgotten that Miss Radna's goin' down with the mail that day. You know I've admired her a lot. How d'you think she'd like to have some of the stones we shall get, if I had 'em cut for her as a weddin' present? I shouldn't take the dead gems and leave the livin' and the best of 'em all behind, you bet."

"That'll do, curse you; get out the dice."

"Waal, that's bizness, anyhow, if it ain't over grateful or polite. Take a drink first, just to steady your hand? No? Then I will. Here's the dice. We'll shake for first throw."

Now, for the instruction of the unsophisticated, the game of Chicago is played with