your waistcoat pocket. Now, button your coat. That'll do!
"Well, gentlemen, good-evening. What can I do for you this evening, if it isn't morning already?"
"You can hand over that parcel of diamonds you got from Frank Ridley to-night, Mr. Mosenstein, and then you can come with us," replied Inspector Lipinzki politely, but still a trifle stiffly. "I've a search-warrant here, but you'll save us a lot of trouble, and yourself and household a lot of inconvenience, by passing over the stones at once. We know they're in the house."
"Then you know a mighty lot more about my house than I do myself, Mr. Lipinzki," snapped the little man somewhat viciously. "There are no diamonds here but what are my own lawful property; and they're all cut stones, so I'm afraid I can't give you what you've come for. But of course if you've