without a flaw, not only at the moment of discovery, but at the police-court the next morning. So well, indeed, did both play their parts, that, to Inspector Lipinzki's intense disgust, the magistrate refused to send the chief criminal to the Special Court for trial, and so, after providing generously for the defence of his erring relative, he left the court-house a triumphantly white-washed man.
At the next sitting of the Special Court Jossey got five years, and the same train which took him to Cape Town happened, also, to take Mrs. Michael Mosenstein, who, for reasons of health, had been advised to take a trip to Europe to avoid the worst of the hot season in Kimberley. Inspector Lipinzki still had his suspicions, but even they did not go so far as to put a value of about thirty thousand pounds on the high and hollow heels of the lady's dainty French-made boots.