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For well I wot he ne’er could rest
Nor his meat do him good,
Till he had slain thee, Child of Elle,
And seen thy dear heart’s blood.

O lady wert thou in thy saddle set,
And once without this wall—
I would not care for thy cruel father
Nor the worst that might befall.

Fair Emmeline sighed—fair Emmeline wept,
And aye her heart was woe;
At length he seized her lilly-white hand
And down the ladder her drew.

And thrice he clasp’d her to his breast.
And kissed her tenderly;
The tears that fell from her fair e’en
Ran like the fountains down.

He mounted himself on his steed sae tall,
And her on a fair palfrey,
And swung his bugle round his neck,
And roundly they rode away.

All this beheard her own damsel,
In her bed whereas she lay;
Quoth she, my Lord shall know of this,
So I shall hae gold and fee.

Awake, awake, thou baron bold!
Awake, my noble dame,
Your daughter is fled with the Child of Elle
To do the deed of shame.