Page:Knight of Elle (2).pdf/7

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The Child of Elle he fought so well
As his weapon he wav’d amain,
That soon he had slain the earlish knight
And laid him upon the plain.

And now the baron and all his men
Full fast approached nigh;
Ah! what may Lady Emmeline do?
’Twere now no boote to fly.

Her lover he put his horn to his mouth,
And blew baith loud and shrill.
And soon he saw his own merry men
Come riding o’er the hill.

Now hold thy hand thou baron bold,
I pray thee hold thy hand,
Nor ruthless rend two gentle hearts
Fast knit in true love’s band.

Thy daughter I have dearly loved
Full long and many a day,
But with such love as holy Kirk
Hath said we freely may.

O give consent—she may be mine,
And bless a faithful pair,
My lands and livings are not small,
My house and lynage fair.

The baron he stroak’d his dark brown cheek,
And turned his head aside
To wipe away the starting tear
He proudly strove to hide.