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of Korea) were subdued. The King of Kudara (Pekche) sincerely welcomed the Japanese authority in the Korean peninsula and thenceforward he ever remained loyal to Japan.
During the reign of the Emperor (Ojin) at the Toyoakira Palace in Karushima, (86) the King (87) of Kudara (Pekche) sent as tribute to the Imperial Court a learned man named Wani (Wang-in), who founded the Fumi Family of Obito rank dwelling in Kawachi. Yutsuki, (88) ancestor of the Hata Family of Kimi rank, was also naturalized in Japan, with a number of people under him who were living in his one hundred and twenty estates in Korea, and Achi of Omi rank, ancestor of the Aya Family of Atae rank, arrived in Japan and offered allegience[errata 1] to the Emperor, bringing with him to the Empire the numerous inhabitants of his seventeen estates in Korea. These immigrants who arrived from Hata (89), (Shin or Chin), Aya (Kan or Han), and Kudara, became naturalized in this country. Each of these groups of people were[errata 2] numbered by tens of thousands, nevertheless, it is most deeply to be regretted that their services to Japan have, so far, not been publicly recognized; and, still further, that the homage due to the divine spirits of their respective ancestors is not yet paid with due religious ceremonies under the auspices of the Imperial Japanese Government, although their respective shrines were privately erected for worship by their own descendants.
In the reign of the Emperor (Richu) who dwelt at Nochi-no-Iware-Wakasakura (90) Palace in Iware (where the Empress Jingo had previously ruled), an Household Treasury beside the Sacred Treasury (91) which had hitherto been used for both Sov-