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Shinto), and the census registration of Imperial Princes and Princesses, court ceremonies, marriage of Government officials of the upper classes, divination for Emperors and the Imperial Government were all entrusted to Sakashi. Thus the Divination Ceremony (107) for the Emperor held twice a year—in summer and in winter—at the Court under the guidance of the Imbe Family only dates back to this period, but, nevertheless, the descendants of Sakashi were finally belittled and by degrees busted[errata 1] from, or relieved of, this important sacred mission, and the present insignificant official position of the Imbe Family among Court officials is the result.

During the reign of the Emperor (Temmu) who ruled at the Kiyomihara Palace, (108) the hereditary titles of all the families were revised and re-arranged in eight classes. To my great regret, however, the titles were bestowed in recognition of the services then rendered to the Government, never taking into account any of the past merits done to the Heavenly Grandson by the forefathers of the respective families when he descended to earth from Heaven. The second class title “Asomi” was conferred on the Nakatomi Family together with a larger sword; and the third class title “Sukune” together with a smaller sword was bestowed on the Imbe Family. The fourth class title “Imiki” was awarded to the three families, Hata, Aya, and Fumi of Kudara (the title Imiki being probably derived from the expression “Imikura,” or Sacred Treasury, when it was placed in the joint charge of Imbe and Imiki. Hence, at the Great Purification Ceremony, the two Fumi Families of the East and West (i.e., the

  1. Correction: busted should be amended to ousted: detail