When it falleth on you, will ye believe it then? Yes! ye will believe it then. Yet did ye challenge its speedy coming.
Then shall it be said to the transgressors, “ Taste ye the punishment of eternity! Shall ye be rewarded but as ye have wrought?”
They will desire thee to inform them whether this be true? Say: Yes! by my Lord it is the truth: and it is not ye who can weaken Him.
And every soul that hath sinned, if it possessed all that is on earth, would assuredly ransom itself therewith; and they will proclaim their repentance when they have seen the punishment: and there shall be a rightful decision between them, and they shall not be unjustly dealt with.
Is not whatever is in the Heavens and the Earth God's? Is not then the promise of God true? Yet most of them know it not.
He maketh alive and He causeth to die, and to Him shall ye return.
O men! now hath a warning come to you from your Lord, and a medicine for what is in your breasts, and a guidance and a mercy to believers.
Say: Through the grace of God and his mercy! and in this therefore let them rejoice: better is this than all ye amass.
60Say: What think ye? of what God hath sent down to you for food, have ye made unlawful and lawful? Say: Hath God permitted you? or invent ye on the part of God?
But what on the day of Resurrection will be the thought of those who invent a lie on the part of God? Truly God is full of bounties to man; but most of them give not thanks.
Thou shalt not be employed in affairs, nor shalt thou read a text out of the Koran, nor shall ye work any work, but we will be witnesses over you when ye are engaged therein: and not the weight of an atom on Earth or in Heaven escapeth thy Lord; nor is there aught that is less than this or greater, but it is in the perspicuous Book.
Are not the friends of God, those on whom no fear shall come, nor shall they be put to grief?
They who believe and fear God—
For them are good tidings in this life, and in the next! There is no change in the words of God! This, the great felicity!
And let not their discourse grieve thee: for all might is God's: the Hearer, the Knower, He!