Customs, Imperial Korean Maritime:
Establishment of, 20-21
Hypothecation of, 60-61, 89-93
Mr. McLeavy Brown, Chief Commissioner of, 81-89
Revenue from, 307
Dalny, 19
de Lapeyriere, M., 162
de Plancy, Colin, 90, 94, 161, 162, 183
de Speyer, M. , 94
Dress, Seoul, in, 35-40
Drought, effects of, 253-257
Dugelet, 7
Dun River, 171
Durock, 7
Education Department, expenditure of, 98, 100
Education in Korea, 27-8, 65, 108 111
Emberley, Mr., 152, 296, 299
Emperor of Korea, the:
Character of, 62-69
Mr. McLeavy Brown, attitude towards, 87-89
Power of, 59, 114-115
Religion of, 239
England, see Great Britain
Eun-san, 187, 217
Farming, methods of, 120-123
Finance Department, expenditure of, 98, 100
Food-stuffs in Korea, character of, 124-127
Foreign Department, expenditure of, 98, 100
Forest Concession, the, 201 seq
Interests of, in Korea, 161-166
Policy of, in Korea, 61, 91-92, 95-6, 183-4
Fusan, 16, 30, 32, 104, 141; Early Japanese incursions into, 129-132; Description of, 176-178
Fusan, Old, 159, 176-177
Interests of, in Korea, 166
Trade with Korea, 146, 147
Gisaing, 52 seq
Gold, export returns, 308
Mining, 217-220
Government corruption, 105-107
Great Britain:
Interests of, in Korea, 149-154
Policy of, in Korea, 91, 95-96, 184
Great Britain (continued):
Settlement in Korea, 18
Trade in the East, lack of enterprise, 141-147
Gubbins, J. G., 87, 88, 90, 95
Hai-chu, 164
Hai-yong River, 226
Hall, Basil, 6
Ham-kyong, 9, 126, 175, 176, 189
Han River, 21, 163, 164, 280-283
Han-chu, 163
Han-ju, 164
Ha-ram, 123
Hart, Sir Robert, 20, 81
Hayashi, Mr., 205
Hermit Kingdom, the, 41, 43
Hideyoshi, 49, 285
Home Department, expenditure, 98, 99
Hulbert, Prof. H. B., 108
Hwang-hai, 123
Hyön-pung, 159
Im-chin River, 163, 164
Im-myüng, 190
Domestic, 117 seq, 121-123, 180-181
Fishing and fish-drying, 247-249
Mining, 217-220
Salt making from sea-water, 249
Irrigation, 122
Island, Round, 21
Roze, 21
Dai Ichi Ginko instituted, 103-105
Early relations between Korea and, 1, 4, 49, 128-134
Foreign goods counterfeited by, 167-169
Interests of, in Korea, 156-161, 172-173
Korean currency, action regarding, 102-103
Policy of, in Korea, 134-137
Russia, attitude towards, 194-200
Settlements in Korea, 16-18, 136-137, 160-161
Trade with Korea, 138-139, 141, 144, 146
Jordan, Mr. 152, 184
Kak-kot-chi, 286
Kak-pi Pass, 228
Kal-kan-i, 228
Kang, Lady, 68
Kang-kyöi, 216
Kang-kyöng, 15S