- Verb 동사
- Adverb 부사
- Particle 조사
- Numeral 수사
- Exclamation 감탄사
Note: Affixes (접사) are not considered to be a separate part of speech.
2. Group syllables into words that make sense in context. Separate compound words by parts of speech without doing harm to the original meaning.
3. Proceed in this manner:
- A) Apply these rules to decide upon word division.
- B) When in doubt, refer to standard dictionaries designated by the Library of Congress final authorities to resolve questions of word division. [See Appendix 1 for the list of designated dictionaries.] A word found in these sources will be considered to be a lexical unit. When a dictionary gives variant forms, choose the appropriate one.
- C) Then, if still in doubt, or if sources differ from each other, prefer to separate.
Specific Rules
1. Nouns (명사), Pronouns (대명사), Imperfect Nouns (불완전 명사)
(a) Separate a noun, pronoun, or imperfect noun from other parts of speech.
국어 문장 의 형성 원리 연구 | Kugŏ munjang ŭi hyŏngsŏng wŏlli yŏn’gu |
(noun) (noun) (particle) (noun) (noun) (noun) |