tutor sing something. Dânesh Khân tuned the guitar and asked, "What shall I sing?"
Gobind Lâl replying "What you will," took up the tabla. He had formerly known something of music and was now become a proficient. But to-day, somehow, he and Dânesh Khân were not in accord, the measures got adrift. Dânesh Khân, annoyed, threw aside the guitar and stopped singing, saying, "I am tired to-day." Then Gobihd Lâl took a sitâr and strove to play it, but forgot all the airs. Abandoning the sitâr he tried to read his novel, but could not take in the meaning of what he read. He threw down the novel and went into the sleeping-rooms. He did not see Rohini, but the man Sonâ was in attendance. From the doorway Gobind Lâl said to Sonâ, "I am going to sleep, let no one disturb me till I get up." He then «closed the door of the bedroom, but though he had closed the door, Gobind Lâl did not sleep. He sat on the bed, covered his face with his hands and wept. I know not why he wept, whether for Bhramar or for himself, I cannot say. I think for both.
Except weeping, I see not what remedy