at the ghât. You must be on the watch. When you see your mistress go in that direction, inform your master at once. After that come and join me."
Promising obedience, Sonâ took dust from his new master's feet. Nishâkar, with easy gait and stately walk, went and seated himself on the flight of steps which adorn the bank of the river Chitrâ. The waters of the Chitrâ flowed silently by the light of the stars in the darkness. All around jackal and dog made their voices heard in many strains. Somewhere in the distance, a fisherman, seated on his boat, chanted loudly the praises of Krishnâ. Other than these no sound was to be heard in the solitary place. Nishâkar listened to the song and gazed at the bright light which came from the window of a room in the upper story of Gobind Lâl's house. In thought he said, "How malignant I am! To destroy a woman, to what tricks have I descended! Yet what malevolence is there in that? It is right to defeat the wicked. Since I have agreed with my friend to do this work, to save the life of his daughter, I am bound to do it. But I don't like it. Rohini is a sinner, I will give