that he was to be a chief. Then he was angry at him. Then | he started after the one who was going back. He came to the Beavers. He said to them: | "What have you done to me? Why did you not know that somebody passed by?" | He was told: "We were asleep." He went on, and he came to | the Marmots. He said to them: "What have you done to me? Why didn't you || know that somebody passed by?" He was told: "We were asleep, | therefore we did not know." He went on, and he came to the Cranes. | He said to them: "What have you done to me? Why did you not know that somebody passed by?" | They said: "There was a snowstorm at that time, and we were asleep. | Therefore we did not know." He said to them: "After I have bitten || Ya.ukᵘe′ᵢkaˑm, I'll come back and I'll kill you." His servants were fooling him. | Then those friends the Cranes | knew it was Ya.ukᵘe′ᵢkaˑm. Therefore they were afraid of him. Then | Grizzly Bear pursued Ya.ukᵘe′ᵢkaˑm. Then Ya.ukᵘe′ᵢkaˑm knew that Grizzly Bear | was coming to kill him. He called his manitou, || and Bear could not catch up with him. He made a hill. Then Grizzly Bear | became tired. Ya.ukᵘe′ᵢkaˑm thought: "Where shall I go so that Grizzly Bear can not bite me?" He thought: "I'll | go back to my mother, but my uncle Gray Stone is bad." Then | Ya.ukᵘe′ᵢkaˑm came to his mother. He said: "Grizzly Bear || is pursuing me." Then Gray Stone said: "Hé!" | Gray Stone arose. He sang. He called his manitou, and he said: "I shall | kill the Grizzly Bear." Then Gray Stone became stone. | He took grease and rubbed himself all over. | A large fire was made. He lay down near the fire. It was not long || before Grizzly Bear arrived. He said: "Open | the door!" They said to Ya.ukᵘe′ᵢkaˑm: "Stand there by | the doorway." Then Grizzly Bear arrived. He saw | Ya.ukᵘe′ᵢkaˑm standing there by the doorway. | Grizzly Bear said: "Há! Chief Ya.ukᵘe′ᵢkaˑm is a full-grown man. || I shall kill him." Then Gray Stone arose and | lay down the other way. He became stone. | He heated himself by the fire. He became very hot, and was about to burst from the heat. Then | Grizzly Bear said: “Well, I'll close my eyes. I will bite Chief | Ya.ukᵘe′ᵢkaˑm." Then he attacked him. He bit him. || Gray Stone made signs to Ya.ukᵘe′ᵢkaˑm, who | (then) stood a little to the other side of the doorway. | Grizzly Bear had his eyes shut when he bit him, and he stood biting the post. | He opened his eyes and had the post in his mouth. | He looked at Ya.ukᵘe′ᵢkaˑm. He stood on the other side of the doorway. || Grizzly Bear said: "Well, I'll close my eyes and bite | Chief Ya.ukᵘe′ᵢkaˑm." Then he bit again. Gray | Stone just made a sign to Ya.ukᵘe′ᵢkaˑm, who | jumped to the other side. Grizzly Bear opened his eyes, and he stood there biting the doorway. He looked | for Ya.ukᵘe′ᵢkaˑm, who was standing on the other side. || Now Gray 165
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