that she was about to be struck with her little hammer. | (Coyote) attacked that girl and knocked her down. He had killed them all. | He said to them: "Now pull their skins off. Don't tear them." | They did so. They skinned them entirely. Then they put them outside. || They dragged them to an old fallen stump, and | Coyote 60 moved into Panther's tent. Then he put feathers on his arrows. | His wife scraped the fat off the skin, and his children cleaned | the guts. |
(b) Coyote Pretends to be Panther
Then it was evening. Dog knew what Panther used to do, || and 65
she told Coyote about it. Then they did | what Panther used to do. He arose, and called all of them. | He called the Game. He said: " Oh, I come down quickly ! " At once they heard noise coming down from the mountains. | They put pitch wood on the fire, and the Game came in. || The first one he shot. They began to come in, and the 70 last one | he also shot. Then there was no more. • They slept. | The following morning they went out, and there were two sheep lying there. He skinned them. | Then Coyote put feathers on his arrow. Dog cleaned | the fat off the skin, and the children cleaned the guts. When it was dark, Coyote || did the same. He said: "Oh, its no use 75 to try to do what you ought to do!" | Again he called the Game. Then, | when it came in, he shot. He kept on shooting all. | He shot, he shot, he shot, until his arrows were spent | and there was no more game. Then he slept. On the following morning || he went out. go There were only two of them. The big number (which he had shot) were not there. |
In the evening he heard a sound on the mountains. | Those whom he had shot were making a noise. It was the noise of their suffer- ing. | Then in the evening the Game Animals said to one another: "That is not Panther. Why does he do that to us? | Go and look and see who it is." Little Flathom started. || When he arrived, he 85 went where the wind was blowing. | He smelled a stench. He went there, and saw | Panther and his children piled up. He came to his tent, | looked in, and saw that Coyote was there. Then | he started back. He was not far away when he began to snort. Coyote said: || "Oh, what does the Game say? " After a little while, | when he was 90 farther away, he snorted again; and Coyote said again: | "Oh, the Game found something!" Then Little Flathorn got back | and told his relatives: | "That is not Panther; it is Coyote. I found Panther || 95 and his children piled up there, all killed." |
Then all the Game Animals said : "Let us make war on Coyote !" | All said: "Well." Then Coyote and his children arose. | He called