at night, | and he was still eating his flesh. Then in the morning he w^as still eating. | He wanted more. He could not stop eating. It Was I evening again, and he had eaten all his flesh. | He had gnawed it off, and only bones remained, jl He ate his own eyes, and only the 30 orbits remained. | He even ate his own tongue. He ate his whole body. Only | his intestines remained lying there. His intestines remained, and his throat. | It was that way; he did not eat his intes- tines and his stomach. | Only his bones remained*; and he did not eat his brains arid his marrow, || but there was no more flesh on his 35 skull. He was sitting down. | Then he would not look any more at the mountain sheep. | Three days passed, and he did not return to his town. Then | one of his elder brothers went to look for him. He followed his tracks. | He went along, and saw where his younger brother had killed || the mountain sheep. He could see his tracks 40 below. He went along. | There was a creek. He saw a fire. | His younger brother was there. He was not dead. He thought : "Maybe his leg is broken, | and therefore he does not go home. He went there and spoke to him. He said: ^'Oh, I love | my elder brother! Fll keep myself ahvo for two days with him." (The elder brother) saw him sitting there. || He looked strange. Only tis bones remained. 45 He said to him: | What did you do, that you look like this? He was told: I am no more | a human being. I have become a giant. Don't come near me! | I love you." Then (the elder brother) went there. He was taken hold of. He thought : | •' There are only bones. He is not strong." The giant took hold of him and killed him II and ate him. On the following day his next younger brother j 50 said: "I'll go. If I do not come back, I shall have died." | Then the youth started. He also arrived, | and he also was killed. On the following day the remaining one | started. The boy said: I also II may die. I love my elder brothers. They are all dead now, j 55 so I will die, too." The youth went on. | He was small. He saw a manitou. He was told: j Go there! Your eldest brother who went out firsfis there. lie ate all j your elder brothers. He became a giant." Then -the youth was told plainly || by the manitou that 60 (his elder brother) j had been changed into a giant, and how he had killed the two who went there. | He was told what to do. Then he started. He arrived, j and saw his elder brother. He looked terrible. He was pitiable. | He said: "My younger brother, I love jou. II I have become a giant. I'll eat you." Then (the boy) did | 65 what the manitou had told him, and he could not kill him. | (The boy) went back. He saw that (the giant) followed him. The boy arrived | at the town. He said: "A giant pursues me. | My brother has become a giant. He || ate my elder brothers who went there.
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