39. Rack op Frog and Antelope * (2 versions: Nos. 29 and 69). First Version, — 43 Frog and his friends go to Antelope's tent in order to play. They fitake their clothing. Frog makes his people lie down along the race course. When Antelope is running, one Frog after another appears ahead of him.
Second Version. — Chief Frog goes with his people to Fish Hawk Nest, the town of 245 Antelope, in order to race with him. They stake their property. The men and women Frogs lie down along the race track. Frog stakes his blue clothing. Antelope 247 laughs at Frog. In the beginning Antelope does not run fast; but when he finds that Frogs are always ahead of him, he runs faeter and faster until he is exhausted.
40. The Two Tsa^kap(No. 31). — There area brother and sister Tsa'Tcap. The boy 45 bathes in a lake,. and is swallowed by a charr. His sister catches the charr on the hook, and cuts it open. The brother speaks inside, and comes out.^ They go back to their tent. The sister warns him not to shoot a squirrel. He disobeys. When he shoots, his arrow falls down in a tent, in which he finds a woman, who compels him to undergo a swinging-contest. AMien the Tsa'Tcap swings, the rope does not break. When the woman swings, it breaks and she is killed.^ The sister warns him not to go in a certain direction. He disobeys, and kills a beaver. The supernatural people say that he stole it from them. He returns home and asks his sister for their father. The sister first prevaricates, and then tells him that their father has been killed by a 47 grizzly bear. The brother goes to kill the grizzly bear. He shows his strength by shooting at a tree, which falls over. He kills the grizzly bear with his arrow, skins it, and takes his father's scalp. He returns, and he and his sister move camp.
41 . The Mink ( VAEU 23) .—Mink has three brothers. He is the lover of the Grizzly- (170) Bear woman, and Grizzly Bear tries to kill the brothers. He gives them a basket which he said contains berries. As soon as Bear is gone. Mink opens the basket
1 Algonquin (E. R. Young, Algonquin Indian Tales, p. 246). Apache, Jicarilla (Goddard Pa AM 8:237).
Arikara (Dorsey CI 17:143).
Caddo (Dorsey CI 41:104).
Cherokee (Mooney RBAE 19:271).
Cora (K. T. Preuss, Die Nayarit-Expedition, Leipzig, 1912, p. 209).
Eskimo, Asiatic (Bogoras BBAE 68).
Natchez (Swanton JAFL 26:202 [No. 10]).
Oaxaca (P. Radin and A. Espinosa, El Folklore de Oaxaca, pp. 124, 193; Boas JAFL 25:214).
Ojibwa (Radin OSCan 43, 44).
Piegan (Michelson JAFL 29:409).
Sanpoil (Gould MAFLS 11:111).
Tarahumare (Lumholtz, Unknown Mexico, 1:302).
Thompson (Teit JE 8:395; JAFL 29:326).
Zufii (Gushing, Zufii Folk-Tales, p. 277).
See Dahnhardt, Natursagcn 4:54; Araucanian, Brazil, Cherokee, NANegro, Tupi; for North American negroes, also Parsons JAFL 30:174, 225; also Kamerun, Cross River (Alfred Mansfeld, Urwald Dokumente, Berlin, 1908, p. 224); Hottentot (Leonhard Schultzc, Aus Namaland und Kalahari, Jena, 1907, p. 528); Visayan (Millington and Maxfield JAFL 20:315).
2 See discussion Boas RBAE 31:611, 659, 687, 718, 868. 8 Apache, Jicarilla (Mooney A A 11:210).
Arapaho (Dorsey and Kroeber FM 5:11).
Assiniboin (Lowie PaAM 4:157).
Blackfoot (Wissler PaAM 2:57).
Chinook (Boas BBAE 20:21). Cree (Rassell, Expl. in Far North 205).
Fox (Jones PAES 1:103).
Gros Ventre (Kroeber PaAM 1:87).
Hupa (Goddard UCal 1:128 [searsaw]).
Lillooet (Teit JAFL 25:370).
Modoc (Curtin 154).
Osage (Dorsey FM 7:26).
Pawnee (Dorsey CI 59:179, 474, also 235 [slide]).
Ponca (Dorsey CNAE 6:161; JAFL 1:74; Am Ant 9.*97).
Quinault (Farrand JE 2:82).
SesheJt (HiJJ-ToutJAI 34:49). Shoshoni (Lowie PaAM 2:260, 262). Thompson (Teit JE 8:252).
Yana (Sapir UCal 9:234 (elastic tree)).