Page:Kvartalshilsen (Kvinnelige misjonsarbeidere). 1909 Vol. 2 Nr. 1.pdf/6

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Musch is terrible. Here is now an orphanage for 50 children being erected, and a temporary hospital, where I hold an outpatient clinic daily from 8-12½; this is frequented by many, including Turks. A man suffering from very poor eyes is treated daily, and it is a joy to see how the eyes are constantly improving. He himself is very grateful. I do not take money for medicine or treatment, as v. Dobblers believes that the government would then lay obstacles in my way because I do not have a diploma from Constantinople. They bring me various gifts such as a large living goose, a carved broad, two jars of grape juice. - The days fly by so fast. The morning goes to treating the sick; then I visit the orphanage and make medicine, as here in the pharmacy I can get almost nothing. At 12½ we have dinner; from 1-2 I study my Bible; from 2-3 I read Armenian or Turkish and then in the afternoon I go on sick visits around Musch. It is indeed disgraceful to see how I can often be allowed to help them with small means. Yes, here is indeed a rich field labor. A doctor here could quickly win the devotion and trust of the entire population. Many should have had surgeries, but from here there is a 5-day ride to Erzerum, where there is a skilled American doctor.

Often, I stand utterly unscathed, completely cast upon the Lord. My practice is rising alarmingly; if it continues like this, I do not understand how to overcome it alone. Dr. Atkinson has given me some excellent powders and tablets for these common diseases. But it is important to make the right diagnosis. Often, when I am confused and ignorant, the Lord can help so marvelously. I treat one of the Gregorian teachers for her eyes, and hope to see her every Wednesday, and can also talk and pray with her. I am thinking of renting a room here near the outpatient clinic, as it is not so good to have it in the same house as the orphanage, and I hope to be able to gather the women for Bible lessons once a week. If only I could find a teacher from our congregation who could help teach them how to read.

It is depressing to see the many small naked children from miserable homes without anything other than lousy wicker to cover their body, without shoes and socks even in the winter. The Lord is good, making so many hearts at home willing to help.

Thank you to everyone who prays for me and my work here. Many heartfelt greetings to each of my friends, from your sister connected in the love of Jesus

Bodil Bjørn.